:wave: Hi folks - Will here from the Product Team ...
# announcements
👋 Hi folks - Will here from the Product Team at Prefect! About a month ago, I announced the beta release of our first major dataflow observability feature, Automations. Today, I’m excited to promote that feature to GA across all Cloud workspaces. Automations in Prefect Cloud enable increased flexibility, control, and responsiveness of your dataflow by allowing you to configure Triggers and Actions in response to events — or lack thereof! -- from across the stack. This forms the foundation of the reactive dataflow capabilities that we’ll be rolling out in 2023. 🎏 For our flagship release, we’ve prioritized features to: • Configure Triggers based on Flow Run state changes, Work Queue health, or custom criteria via the API. • Execute Actions to run/cancel Flow Runs, pause/resume schedules, pause/resume Work Queues, and send beefed up context-aware notifications with support for Jinja templating. 📈 This feature set will be a springboard for a wealth of exciting enhancements to Prefect over the next year, so as always, let us know what you think. 🫂 Happy automating! -WR
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