Hi :wave: I am trying to define my own new Infrast...
# prefect-community
Hi 👋 I am trying to define my own new Infrastructure class, but getting the error: “No class found for dispatch key ‘xxx’ in registry for type ‘Block’” full info in this thread: https://discourse.prefect.io/t/submission-failed-keyerror-no-class-found-for-dispatch-key-xxx-in-registry-for-type-block/2203/1 Any ideas what am I doing wrong here?
Hi Yaron, did you use
prefect block register
to register your block?
I guess not (-: You are referring to this step?
Yes, that's the one. If the block isn't registered, it won't show up in the UI and your agent also won't be able to find it. You may need to register it separately on the agent machine after you register it with Orion or Perfect Cloud. If the block is in its own package, there's a line you can add to
to get your block to auto register when Prefect loads. I'm afk at the moment but can send examples soon if you'd like. To start, I'd suggest looking at
in either the prefect-aws or prefect-azure repositories on GitHub.
Great! I’ll check it and update how it goes
👍 1
Sounds good! Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I marked this thread with a green check just to let others know it's being handled, but please feel free to keep posting here if you encounter any more blockers.
I am also preparing an article how to take it end-2-end. Meaning building a RenderTask infra block
gratitude thank you 1
👍 1
That sounds great! For a while now, I've wanted to write a general article to help users who want to add new infrastructure like this. So I'm very interested in reading about your experience creating the Rendet infra block! 😀
gratitude thank you 1
great! I’ll send it once it’s ready
Adding an entrypoint is an excellent suggestion https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/pull/7179 for the next time, please decide whether you post on Discourse or Slack, not both https://discourse.prefect.io/faq
thanks for volunteering to write a post about Render block, keep us posted whether you need help with a review or have questions 🙌
@Ryan Peden So I run this to register the infrastructure block:
Copy code
prefect block register --file jobs/test2/render_job_infrastructure.py
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and it’s now showing in the catalog:
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added a new block of this type:
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copied this code:
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and pasted it in the deployment script:
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but when running the file to apply() the changes, I get this error:
CleanShot 2023-01-17 at 19.38.48@2x.jpg
No module named ‘__prefect_loader__’