how to start a flow run for deployment B from a fl...
# prefect-community
how to start a flow run for deployment B from a flow run of deployment A and what is the rate limits there
Hey @puneet jindal!! You can create a flow run from a deployment using the orion client and the
method (see docs here)
is there any rate limit here , as in my case i would be creating 5k flows from a single flow in a for loop
As of now, we do not have any publicly published rate limits. You should be able to kick off that many flow runs over a reasonable span of time. However, Prefect will respond with a 429 Error code if there is an exceptionally high amount of API traffic in a small amount of time, so it is something to keep an eye on. We are working with our internal team to establish appropriate limits and will announce updates in the community in the future.
For now i am assuming 5k in a 5 min , is that looks fine