Hi, For prefect 2 I understand that you can set no...
# prefect-community
Hi, For prefect 2 I understand that you can set notifications to slack. And to email in the cloud version. Will email be available in the non-cloud version as well? And will you be able to create custom events based on state changes of flow runs? Say create Jira ticket when a flow run fails?
it's hard to say what exactly will be available as part of the OSS and Cloud version, but I believe that email notifications will be available in the OSS version soon, let me ask the team
ok I asked and the reason it's currently not part of the OSS version is that we want to keep Orion lightweight and providing email notifications that work for all sorts of email clients is challenging and might require maintaining unnecessary dependencies (and potential dependency conflicts) for users - I added an issue internally to investigate whether/how we may provide that as Prefect Collections with blocks if any of that will be released, it will be announced in #announcements and on discourse - in case you want to stay up to date
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Sounds good. I think triggering a flow based on state changes of some other flow will probably work for most stuff. Using blocks in some other flow then to connect to the email server of choice for example might be the most straightforward route I guess. I think setting up something of the sort may open up a whole range of other use cases I think.
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Is discourse the preferred method of communication?
it's up to you, Slack is better for ad-hoc questions, Discourse is easier to document things though - we use Discourse atm more as interactive Wiki
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