Hi! My pipeline was successful except for this dbt...
# prefect-ui
Hi! My pipeline was successful except for this dbt freshness test so the result flow was green. Usually I receive a notification if a task fails and if the pipeline run is successful and found no alerts. Any ideas on why I wouldn't be receiving either of those?
for example this is what one of the success messages used to look like
Maybe your alerts are on the Flow level and not task level?
How do I check that?
Are you using state handlers or Automations?
State handlers I believe
Can I see how you attached it?
I used the UI to set it up
I think that is on the Flow level and not task so you’d need to fail the flow is this task fails for that automation to trigger
Do you know why the flow doesn't fail if that task fails?
Is it because it has no dependencies?
So by default, I think the last task is a reference task, but you can set them also. So if something in the middle fails but the last tasks end successfully, it will be labeled successful
Got it- thanks! I’ll look into this today and let you know if I have any questions.
Copy code
In our case, we make a simple tweak at the end of our script to tell this flow to use the run_spark_job task as its reference task:

is this
in the docs supposed to be the
oh wait never mind I think I see what the docs are referring to now, nvm!
Sounds good!
is it possible to set that to all_successful with the exception of one task?
I don’t think there is an easy way for that other than using python to manipulate a list of your tasks