Hi friends, I set up Prefect on an Openshift platf...
# prefect-ui
Hi friends, I set up Prefect on an Openshift platform, I can see all pods are up and running. Prefect UI and graphql endpoint comes up. But when I try to add projects , its not doing anything and getting an error on console. What should be the problem ? This is my test env, https://prefectuiroute-e11dbf-dev.apps.klab.devops.gov.bc.ca/ - Any clue?
it might be that a tenant is missing, try creating it manually:
Copy code
prefect server create-tenant --name default --slug default
btw if you're getting started with Prefect now, consider Prefect 2.0 instead - Prefect 2.0 and Cloud 2.0 will reach a General Availability on July 27th, 2022.
@Anna Geller - Thanks for reply. I am unable to use Cloud Version due to certain privacy related constraints. Sure, I will creating tenant
I didn't try to sell you Cloud, but to use a new Prefect open-source product, which is Prefect 2.0 🙂 try it out; it's gonna be way easier to manage and will likely solve your Openshift issues from the other thread since there are much fewer components to manage
oh! Does PREFECT's Helm chart support latest version , 2.0?
Because, why I am asking is that - I am using this version of helm chart of prefect
there is a helm chart yes
Thanks @Anna Geller for the reply. It seems like PREFECT - whatever version it is, 1.0 or 2.0 - it requries runAsUser: 1000, group:2000 to set up or configure things . Our OCP wont allow unrestricted users/SA(like, runAsUser: 1000). Seems like that is causing the issue with us. Also, I tried assigning permissions on the prefect SA level before provisioning the Containers, but nothing worked , indicating a permission issue, when setting "prefect backend server" - since we cant work with cloud.
for a more complicated setup like this, you may want to talk to sales@prefect.io to discuss dedicated hosting and permissioning