Hello the community. I’m stuck in my code since da...
# prefect-community
Hello the community. I’m stuck in my code since days. It’s really annoying because It was supposed to be the easiest flow I develop with prefect. So, the algo: I want to read the content of a big redis database (redis.scan_iter()), filter to keep key which not matching a pattern and then remove record (easy !). My problem, I don’t want to load all my redis in memory in the first step task (my dask workers will not handle) and start filtering after. I want to generate batchs of keys and process each batch directly (map feature so). If I run my code without .map(), it work but It’s sequential (I load all my key before filtering). When I run it with .map() the filtering task return directly a failed status without any print error. I have no idea why it fail ! Someone have a clue?
#Clean_redis this flow is here to remove user which are not matching pattern
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def ownBatcher(iterable, n):
    while True:
        batch = []
        for i in range(n):
            except StopIteration:
                return batch
        if len(batch) != 0:
            yield batch

def filterList(userToFilter):
    pattern = '.*\.mydomain.net.*'
    users = []

    for userTuple in userToFilter:
        for user in userTuple:
            if user:
                if not re.match(pattern, user.decode("utf-8")):
    return users

def removeUsers(redisCon, users):

def main():

    with Flow("clean_redis") as flow:
       redisConnection = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0)
       userBatch = ownBatcher(redisConnection.scan_iter('*'), 5000)
       usersToRemove = filterList.map(userBatch)
       removeUsers.map(unmapped(redisConnection), usersToRemove)

    flow.executor = LocalDaskExecutor()

I'm using Prefect 1.2.2. I test many different way to make batch. And Multiple times I was block cause scan_iter() is a generator and Prefect don't handle it.
Why not run the filter in the scan on redis rather than locally
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I can't because redis use a basic filtering language where you can't put negation
And here I want all records that are NOT matching '.\.mydomain.net.
ah sorry misread
No problem 🙂 Thank you a lot, it was still a good advice 😉
perhaps lua to the rescue - issue a lua script to ttl all the non matching keys
Develop it is easy in any kind of language. I just want to use Prefect for this task for the Schedule and parallelism features. And I want to progress on prefect to implement multiples other flow in next month
Sure - I just hear redis scan and production and it leaves me with tears
😂 1
Why ? is scan() not safe ? (I know that keys() is totally unusable in prod but I have in mind that scan() is clean. I'm not redis master so I trust your experience 😉 )
SCAN blocks in redis - so if you have a large amount of concurrent services using redis they will be impacted - especially if you have a large amount of keys
Steve gave you some really good suggestions - are you good now @Pierre-Edouard? purely from the Prefect perspective your flow is currently fine for local development, but you may try to attach a LocalDaskExecutor for parallelism and move out the flow object to the main scope so that you can use the same code for both local and registered flow runs:
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def ownBatcher(iterable, n):

def filterList(userToFilter):

def removeUsers(redisCon, users):

with Flow("clean_redis", executor=LocalDaskExecutor()) as flow:
     # your_DAG_here
the redisConnection call should ideally move to the ownBatcher task since connections cannot be shared between tasks easily when running in parallel/distributed setting