Hello everyone, We have been using prefect 1.0 fo...
# prefect-community
Hello everyone, We have been using prefect 1.0 for quite some time in lower and higher environments. Recently, there was some activity ran by the security team and the server where prefect db is hosted was moved to private subnet. Right after that, several issues start popping up. • Unable to run the jobs from UI • Flows can't be scheduled because scheduler option is not working • Agent is not picking up the scheduled jobs Whole stack is deployed on AWS ECS Fargate. Issues still persist even after bringing back the subnets to public.
Hi @Anna Geller As described above, we are still figuring out the issue with our deployment. Based on our recent investigation, the response from below mutation is returning empty list for
, even when there are some schedules flow_runs available in the DB.
Copy code
mutation($input: get_runs_in_queue_input!) {
 get_runs_in_queue(input: $input {flow_run_ids}
If orchestration layer moved to a private subnet, perhaps you need to do the same with your execution layer i.e. redeploying your agents to the same VPC and subnet?
In our case, only DB was moved to a private subnet. We reverted this change as well but no luck so far
sorry, such infrastructrure issues is beyond the scope of how we can help in the community (hard to do via Slack anyway) - you may reach out to paid support if you need more guidance with infra https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-get-in-touch-with-prefect-professional-services/275