hey everyone, I have this task that gets a list o...
# data-tricks-and-tips
hey everyone, I have this task that gets a list of every object for each model passed and return a tuple with each list,
Copy code
async def get_all_objects_from_models(
    models: List
    Get all objects from each model from the @param models.
    return await asyncio.gather(*[model.get_all_objects() for model in models])
to be used like this
Copy code
all_objects_model_1, all_objects_model_2, all_objects_model_3 = get_all_objects_from_models([Model1, Model2, Model3])
the problem is that I have to pass it a
in the decorator or a
in the return type annotation with the number of items inside (
Tuple[List, List, List]
) for this to work, otherwhise a got this error `'Task is not iterable. If your task returns multiple results, pass
to the task decorator/constructor, or provide a
return-type annotation to your task.',` but I would like to make this function generic and pass and return as many models as I want. Is there a way to make it work?
Yeah this can’t be dynamic and you really need
Is this for Prefect 1.0? Can you take a step back and first explain what you are trying to do?
If you’re not committed to unpacking in the same step as the function call, you could just unpack the list after the function call.
👍 1