is anyone having pretty major issues using the Web...
# prefect-community
is anyone having pretty major issues using the Web UI in firefox?
I keep getting this, the UI is nearly unusable
Is that new? Were you on firefox before? I don’t think we rolled out any changes recently
i just started using firefox
Yes I have the same issue on Firefox, it works well on Chrome
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and I'm using Firefox Developer Edition to be precise, latest version (102.0 Beta 9)
New for you @Michal Zawadzki? For the record though, the 1.0 UI is very heavyweight, which is why we have moved towards something lightweight for 2.0
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it's been happening for a couple weeks I think
Ok will ask if somethign changed
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I feel like I've had that issue since I started using Prefect a few months ago, on Firefox. It's always been intermittent though
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I'm on 101.0.1 64-bit
not sure if it's the same for you @Constantino Schillebeeckx but I only get the freeze on flow run screen
yep same
other parts can be slow too but I don't think they freeze completely, flow run screen seems to be very slow most of the time, sometimes freezing completely
Hi @Michal Zawadzki and @Constantino Schillebeeckx - thanks for telling us about this. I'd like to see if I can replicate and see if there's anything we can do to improve things here. Can you give a bit more info to help us do that: • You mention the ui freezes on the flow run screen. Is that the screen that looks like the one in my screenshot? • Are you in the overview or a specific tab when it freezes? • does it happen consistently? • Do you see anything in the developer console? • Anything else we should be aware of?
I've captured a gif I could send you (would rather not post it in this public venue)
Great - would you mind dm-ing it to me?