:wave: Hello Prefectionists - we’ve just released ...
# announcements
👋 Hello Prefectionists - we’ve just released the
version of Prefect 2.0! Thank you all again for the continued feedback. Exciting updates in this release include • Fixes for running the Orion UI on Windows • Adding a color select in the Orion UI, enabling users to change their state color scheme • Added anonymous blocks, allowing Prefect to dynamically store blocks for you without cluttering your workspace • Performance enhancements • and more … !! As a result of ongoing upgrades to Blocks, the backend API in `2.0b7`is incompatible with previous Orion client versions. After the upgrade, your data will remain intact, but you will need to upgrade to `2.0b7`to continue using the Cloud 2.0 API. You can upgrade in just a few simple steps: • Install the latest Prefect 2.0 python package:
pip install -U "prefect>=2.0b7"
Restart any existing agent processes • If you are using an agent running on Kubernetes, update the Prefect image version to `2.0b7`in your Kubernetes manifest and re-apply the deployment. • You don’t need to recreate any deployments or pause any schedules - stopping your agent process to perform an upgrade may result in some Late Runs, but those will be picked up once you restart your agent. We will release this new version to Cloud 2.0 in about an hour. We’ll let you know again once the cloud2 upgrade is complete. Happy engineering!
marvin duck 7
marvin 7
🚀 12
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