Hi, I get a `parameter must be less than or equal ...
# prefect-ui
Hi, I get a
parameter must be less than or equal to 2
error in the cloud UI if I want to customize a tuple/list parameter. Is this a known issue?
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Default settings:
Custom input:
Hey Tim, I was able to pass in a list with just two integers when running a deployment with custom parameters. Could you give us a bit more information on how your parameters are defined?
Good point. It looks like the issue only exists for tuples:
This is the flow-function signature:
def flow(a_tuple: Tuple[int, int] = tuple([1, 2]), a_list: List[int] = [1, 2]):
Thanks for the details Tim! I'm going to replicate this with a tuple when I get a moment. This is shaping up to look like a bug
I will be more than happy to create an issue in our GitHub for you, or you can create one here.
Hey Tim, haven't forgotten about this. You can see the new issue here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/7556
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