Hi everyone! I’ve registered a few new flows last ...
# prefect-community
Hi everyone! I’ve registered a few new flows last week, I can’t seem to be able to trigger a flow run for those through GraphQL. (We’re using a rails application to trigger flow run requests, that app uses graphql and a flow’s version group id. It works fine for a bunch of other, previously created flows.) The requests get sent successfully by our app but nothing happens on prefect cloud. Is there somewhere a place where I can look up all flow run requests a tenant has received? I need some kind of logs to be able to debug this 🤔
There isn’t aside from the response you get from your request. Is this intermittent or always happens? And is it all flows or some?
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@Kevin Kho It always happens with these new flows. I’m trying to send a post request to prefect’s graphql api using postman, instead of the rails app we’ve been using to trigger flow runs, to get the response from the request but I’m having a hard time building the query. Do you know what I’m missing?? 🙏
(I’ve added the api token in the authorization header)
Is this just to trigger a flow run? Have you seen this ? I can’t quite tell from the picture
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I guess you can try the Python script too to identify if the request is not working or just something is wrong on the rails side?
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@Kevin Kho great idea!! And thanks so much for that snippet! 🤩 Ok so I can trigger flow runs for the new flows no problem using that, so it must be something inside the rails app that’s off. That’s very helpful!
@Kevin Kho AHA there was a typo in one of the parameters in the rails app request! I first had that same typo in the request I sent using the python snippet, this is the response:
Copy code
{"errors":[{"path":["createFlowRun"],"message":"Required parameters were not supplied: {'fund_ids'}","extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"}}],"data":{"createFlowRun":null}}
Is the api expected to return a 200 response even though it’s an internal server error??
GraphQL only has 200 I think… 😅
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