Hey all! I recently came across this page (<https:...
# prefect-ui
Hey all! I recently came across this page (https://orion-docs.prefect.io/concepts/task-runners/) that showed a way of using dask.annotation to set the priority of each task, but I can't get it to work. Since I couldn't import DaskTaskRunner for the life of me I tried using LocalDaskExecutor, but I'm not sure if it does the same thing:
Copy code
def file_write(x):
    with open('test_result.txt', 'a') as f:
    return x

with Flow("priority_test", executor=LocalDaskExecutor()) as flow:
    with dask.annotate(priority=-10):
        written1 = file_write(2)
    with dask.annotate(priority=0):
        written2 = file_write(1)
    with dask.annotate(priority=10):
        written3 = file_write(0)
I expected it to write "012", but am consistently getting "201"
Are you using Prefect 1 or 2? DaskTaskRunner is for Prefect 2 and DaskExecutor is for Prefect 1
The Dask priority annotations will only work with Prefect v2