I am a beginner with Prefect, so I searched the in...
# prefect-ui
I am a beginner with Prefect, so I searched the internet and followed tutorials to see UI and server, during installation and configuration I ran the command "prefect server start" but I got a message of error, have you please on that? I have docker and docker compose install
Looks like your Docker doesnt have necessary permissions?
👍 1
Hello @Kevin Kho, how can i check this?
What happens when you do
docker run hello-world
👍 2
I got this message: " docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix///var/run/docker.sock Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/create": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied. See 'docker run --help' "
Uhh yeah it seems like you can’t even download/run the hello-world. I think you need to add appropriate permissions. Getting
docker run hello-world
working is a good test. Don’t use sudo cuz you will run into other issues
I did the command sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
I think you need something like this
I think I found solution After running the command sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock, I re-run the command: prefect server start, and now running
Ah ok sounds good! Just you let you know also that Prefect Cloud has 20k task runs for free every month, and is a lot easier to get started with
I would like to start with local first. SO after execution i got this,
It’s a lot harder to start with local than to start with Cloud. Looks like you already have a process at port 8080 so the UI can’t start there
You can change the UI port in the CLI or turn off that process
I think I succeeded, just a question on the tutorials I see the frame in blue and I have it in gray is this normal or something is bugging me?
I think it’s really gray for server and blue on cloud
AH Ok, Thank you @Kevin Kho 🙂