Hi, folks, a work flow finished correctly but UI d...
# prefect-ui
Hi, folks, a work flow finished correctly but UI does not show anything.
Hey @Atsushi Saito, could you move the log to this thread to keep the main channel cleaner? I think you just did
is for local testing and does not appear on Cloud/Server. You need to register it and run it with an agent. Check this tutorial onwards
Copy code
> python pref.py
[2022-04-08 02:20:16+0900] INFO - prefect.FlowRunner | Beginning Flow run for 'dvc-exam'
[2022-04-08 02:20:16+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'raw_data_path': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:16+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'raw_data_path': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:16+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 's3_url': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:16+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 's3_url': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:16+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'prepare': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:18+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'prepare': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:18+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'aws_profile': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:18+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'aws_profile': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:18+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'format_command': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:18+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'format_command': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:18+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'ShellTask': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:20+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'ShellTask': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:20+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'featurize': Starting task run...
The input data frame ./data/prepared/train.tsv size is (20017, 3)
The output matrix data/features/train.pkl size is (20017, 3002) and data type is float64
The input data frame ./data/prepared/test.tsv size is (4983, 3)
The output matrix data/features/test.pkl size is (4983, 3002) and data type is float64
[2022-04-08 02:20:36+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'featurize': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:36+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'train': Starting task run...
Input matrix size (20017, 3002)
X matrix size (20017, 3000)
Y matrix size (20017,)
[2022-04-08 02:20:40+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'train': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:40+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate[1]': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate[1]': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate[2]': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate[2]': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate[0]': Starting task run...
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'evaluate[0]': Finished task run for task with final state: 'Success'
[2022-04-08 02:20:41+0900] INFO - prefect.FlowRunner | Flow run SUCCESS: all reference tasks succeeded
Thank you!
@Kevin Kho Thank you for you comments. I’ve found that ui-port might be a cause. Commands what I’ve done on the terminals are follows. OS: ubuntu 18.04 python: 3.8.13 After creating a project named
, Terminal 1:
prefect server start --ui-port 2222
Termnal 2:
prefect agent local start
Terminal 3:
python flow.py
for the following source.
Copy code
import prefect
from prefect import task, Flow

def say_hello():
    logger = prefect.context.get("logger")
    <http://logger.info|logger.info>("Hello, Cloud!")

with Flow("hello-flow") as flow:

# Register the flow under the "tutorial" project
terminal 3 shows the port 8080 which is default but is different from --ui-port
Copy code
Flow URL: <http://localhost:8080/default/flow/ebf8a573-403a-4928-96ea-098dd1d5ca93>
 └── ID: 42af3ef7-918e-4f03-ae5b-57a881fc87ec
 └── Project: tutorial
The wget for the port 2222 outputs some html files, but
shows nothing.
Copy code
wget <http://localhost:2222/default/flow/ebf8a573-403a-4928-96ea-098dd1d5ca93>
Ok so the terminal 3 message pulls the UI URL in this line, which pulls it from the config.toml so you should need to change this to match the 2222. What does your config.toml look like? I think you should still be able to access the UI though
I expect at least one of
to work
I also didn’t know you were on server when you first posted. Just want to make sure you know Prefect Cloud is a lot easier to get started with because we host all the services and the free tier has 20k task runs per month.