Hi all! Wondering if anyone has had success with h...
# prefect-server
Hi all! Wondering if anyone has had success with hosting Prefect Server and Prefect UI on Google Cloud App Engine? I know I could host them both on a Compute Engine VM, but if I could get them running on App Engine I could for example use IAP for authentication. Pretty new to both GCP and Docker really so there might be some obvious stuff I'm missing 🙂 Using Prefect Cloud is an option, but right now we're looking to keep as much of the project infrastructure in one place.
I personally haven’t seen this. Can you do multiple containers with app engine? Cuz server needs a container for each service.
I don’t think so🤔 If no then it can’t be done?
I don’t think so because
prefect server start
requires docker-compose to spin things up as different containers. Not discouraging you from trying. I really don’t know
Discourage away, I don’t want to spend too much time on it if it most likely won’t work 😉