I have a strange error on a task, any one seen the...
# prefect-community
I have a strange error on a task, any one seen these before?
Copy code
Task 'copy_from_s3_to_sftp': Exception encountered during task execution!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/prefect/engine/task_runner.py", line 876, in get_task_run_state
    value = prefect.utilities.executors.run_task_with_timeout(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/prefect/utilities/executors.py", line 454, in run_task_with_timeout
    return task.run(*args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
  File "flows/k8s/my_flow_name.py", line 46, in copy_from_s3_to_sftp
SystemError: unknown opcode
Are you using the DaskExecutor?
no, python task running in docker agent
I believe this is because you registered a flow with a certain version of a package (boto3 or something) and then during execution it was deserialized on another version and the version mismatch causes this issue. This happens frequently on Dask when there is a mismatch of scheduler package versions and worker package versions
ok, thank you, let me check those versions
I am using python 3.8 (while registering) and 3.9 (while executing), for this I need to create a flow of flows, here how do I execute the 2nd flow only if the first flow is successful
this example here is clear - https://docs.prefect.io/core/idioms/flow-to-flow.html however I don't know how I can execute flow B only if flow is successfully completed without any errors
Something like this:
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with Flow(...) as flow:
    a = create_flow_run(..)
    b = wait_for_flow_run(a, raise_final_state=True)
    c = create_flow_run(..., upstream_tasks=[b])
raise_final_state being the important part so failure gets raised and then propagates
👍 1
@Kevin Kho in a flow can I mix flows and tasks ? e.g in Flow B I want to call Flow A and then run Task B ?
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with Flow("priority_report", storage=storage, schedule=schedule) as f:
    flow_a = create_flow_run()
    wait_for_flow_a = wait_for_flow_run(flow_a, raise_final_state=True)
Do you mean you have Flow A which can have
but you only want
? Or do you mean a parent Flow that calls one sub flow and one task? Because what you have looks good to me
the second one
parent Flow that calls one sub flow and one task
, strangely I am getting this error
Copy code
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/prefect/agent/agent.py", line 391, in _deploy_flow_run
    deployment_info = self.deploy_flow(flow_run)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/prefect/agent/local/agent.py", line 133, in deploy_flow
    env = self.populate_env_vars(flow_run, run_config=run_config)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/prefect/agent/local/agent.py", line 190, in populate_env_vars
    else os.getcwd()
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
This is on the create_flow_run right? It’s an error on the subflow?
That looks like a storage error on the subflow
Does the subflow work if you run it individually?
the subflow runs on its own with out any issues
I think I’d need to see the full flow of subflow and mainflow to understand this better. Just remove sensitive info
some issue with the agent, after restarting the agent the flow works, thanks again for your help
👍 1