Hey I am trying to upgrade my prefect agent that I...
# prefect-community
Hey I am trying to upgrade my prefect agent that I have running on EKS, I upgraded my prefect package locally it is now version 1.2. When I try to apply the changes
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prefect agent kubernetes install  -k {key} --mem-request 4G --mem-limit 6G --cpu-request 2 --rbac | kubectl apply -f -
Nothing seems to happen I just get the message:
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deployment.apps/prefect-agent configured
<http://role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/prefect-agent-rbac|role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/prefect-agent-rbac> unchanged
<http://rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/prefect-agent-rbac|rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/prefect-agent-rbac> unchanged
Any idea’s on how to successfully upgrade my prefect agent?
I think if you already applied, you can just delete the agent pod and the service will create the new one with the new configuration
Ok awesome, let me try that
That worked thanks!
👍 1