Hi! I am getting below error sometimes when i try...
# prefect-community
Hi! I am getting below error sometimes when i try to update a Prefect secret, i suspect multiple flows updating same secret at same time causing this issue, still i am not sure. Can someone help.
Copy code
prefect.exceptions.ClientError: [{'path': ['secret_value'], 'message': 'An unknown error occurred.', 'extensions': {'code': 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR'}}]
This code is very generic and hard to give an immediate answer this way. Does your Secret value have a large payload? Are you on Prefect Cloud? If you are on Server this won't work as shown here
Do the flows update the secret or just pull?
It updates and the pulls
Yeah I imagine this is a concurrency thing. You could try limiting it with task run concurrency limits if you are on Cloud?