Hi all, I am using prefect 2.0 more and more these...
# prefect-community
Hi all, I am using prefect 2.0 more and more these days and loving it! Is there a way to quickly see execution's time of a flow run from the UIs listings? I guess I could filter runs, but it would be nice to have a faster way to select a run based on its execution time. It seems that the visualization has enough space available in the runs' rows and maybe timestamp could easily fit on it:
Also, being able to sort runs by status would be nice. I typically have many scheduled runs at the top of the list and very rarely care about inspecting them, since they do not have much info.
Thanks for providing feedback on the UI. I will forward it to the product team. Could you perhaps draw on this image where you see the execution start time addition being valuable? somewhere next to the flow run name? I agree about Scheduled runs and I usually filter them out - you could do that with the state filter to select e.g. all but Scheduled
Thank you for being always so responsive! I guess that anywhere within the circle would be ok imho
Also, thanks for the state filter suggestion, it helps indeed
That's what I thought, thanks for confirming that 🙌
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@Marvin open "Feature request: add flow run start time to the Orion UI flow run list"
I'm using prefect 1.0 CLI, is there an easy way to see run time, I see start time, but not run time like it shows on the web page for 2.0.
prefect get flow-runs --flow ...
I see, yes I believe the runtime is meant to be shown via bar length - this is something our UI team is aware of, I'm very optimistic that you will be able to see the flow runtime from the UI
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Thank you Anna. I would prefer if there was a way to see it via a command line so that I do not need to use the UI.
haha nice, have you seen this blog post? https://www.prefect.io/blog/why-prefect-invested-in-textualize/ we agree with you that CLI has potential for this
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Looks very nice! Looking forward to it.
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