When using classes with @tasks, I'm assuming that ...
# prefect-community
When using classes with @tasks, I'm assuming that the class needs to be instantiated each time for each task? For example:
Copy code
def task_a():
    common_class = Common(Secret())
    output = common_class.task_a()
    return output

def task_b():
    common_class = Common(Secret())
    output = common_class.task_b()
    return output
I don’t think so. It would just get serialized along with the task. Do you get an error?
also, are you asking because of Prefect Secrets?
Yeah, I think I've figured out the class error. I have an API abstraction module that I'd like to use across the tasks, and it takes in a token and secret, so I was curious about the best practice. I like to use class organization instead of using many different methods when possible.
Gotcha. You can definitely combine functional tasks with your custom classes. Many users use
tasks in their flows and pass the value of the secret to a downstream task (which may use classes inside that receive the input data from a task) - this would allow you to get the best of both worlds. LMK if you need an example
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