Hi, I’m trying to use the Snowflake Task to execut...
# prefect-community
Hi, I’m trying to use the Snowflake Task to execute a “COPY INTO” query. It works fine with SELECT queries, but it just isn’t running the query when I switch it to a copy into and the task is coming back with TriggerFailed
I’m not 100% sure how to get any logs out on the prefect local end, but I can see from the snowflake logs that the query isn’t executing
I’ve tried setting
to true
I am looking at this
Could you try without Prefect using
and seeing if there is no error too?
thanks, you mean using the native Snowflake Python connector within a prefect task?
I’ve tried the same command in the snowflake console and it works
No I mean Snowflake Python connector but no task first just to see it works
ok just tried. that works fine
Can you share your query?
Copy code
"copy into raw.azure.all_tables_all_clients from (select $1::variant as value, cast(split_part(split_part(metadata$filename,  '/', -1),  '__', 1) as varchar(100)) as client_name, cast(split_part(split_part(metadata$filename,  '/', -1),  '__', 2) as varchar(100)) as table_name, cast(ltrim(split_part(split_part(metadata$filename,  '/', -1),  '__', -1),  '.parquet' ) as datetime) as export_time, cast(split_part(metadata$filename,  '/', -1) as varchar(200)) as filename, cast(metadata$filename as varchar(500)) as filepath from @reporting_raw/test/test.parquet )"
I wonder if it’s because the Prefect task tries to “fetchall” after
Copy code
executed = cursor.execute(query, params=data).fetchall()
Ok, I think the issue was actually nothing to do with this task, I had another problem with my code that I’ve now resolved. I’m now using the python connector so haven’t verified, but will do later. Thanks for your help!
Confirmed it works!
Sorry about that
No worries!