I noticed that Prefect is a CNCF member but I didn...
# prefect-community
I noticed that Prefect is a CNCF member but I didn't see it anywhere as a product in the Landscape. Did I miss something?
Ah I was the one that had us sign up as a CNCF member. To be honest, the CNCF and Linux foundation is quite complicated. There are so many things I don’t understand 😅. But let’s just say we joined on Startup Tier which has discounted benefits and I think the things in the product landscape are official CNCF/LF projects?
Think of it as the Prefect the company just donated, but it means nothing for Prefect the open source project
Gotcha. I was hoping to see it in the landscape to indicate it as a front runner 🙂 (or at least a potential big player)
Yeah actually 60 or 70% of our users are on k8s I think. Joining that was part of a deal and then we sponsored Kubecon also last year
I was showing off the landscape to our data team. We are already looking to use prefect and kubeflow so not seeing either of them on that page was kinda sad. It would have made it a lot easier to confirm our decisions of using those apps
I am not seeing a category for orchestration in general though?
https://landscapeapp.cncf.io/lfai is where I expected to see it but maybe there's just not that category yet
Ah ok. We’ll look into it
cool, thanks!
Oh! It is there, under
apparently I missed that 🤦
You know, I have another open source project I work on and we considered incubating under LF+AI for that. We spoke to them, but it felt crowded
it's listed under Stream processing 😄
So its in 2 places that I missed 😞
Data -> Stream Processing Model -> Workflow
👍 1
its very crowded but I view the landscape as "trusted solutions" to problems. I always preach it as "these apps are agreed upon solutions to problems and, judging by CNCF status and market share you can get a sense of how the apps will fare down the road" Its basically just a selling point
but for people new to k8s its an easy way to "pick a solution from here without doing tons of research"
That’s true!