is there any mechanism in prefect for retrying a f...
# prefect-community
is there any mechanism in prefect for retrying a flow? I know i can set retries on tasks, but sometimes weird things happen with the k8s autoscaler and I am unable to assign a pod. In these cases, I want to backoff retry the entire flow, but I'm not finding where I would configure that. It never actually starts a task, so defining task retries doesn't help me here. I've tried defining retries specifically on the k8s job template in the past, but I've found that the prefect job will sometimes get confused on the state of the flow as its not directly managing the retries.
There is no concept like that. The closest thing to do would be to cache expensive tasks and re-run the flow.
This is on the roadmap for v2, although it’s going to be a tricky feature to satisfy everyone with.
if you need a user interview when youre planning that out happy to help