Hi all. I know that only a single workspace is all...
# prefect-ui
Hi all. I know that only a single workspace is allowed on prefect cloud 2 beta, but when it is out of beta, how easy would it be to copy over a existing set of deployments/flows/work-queues from one workspace to another? Is it expected to be a simple CLI command?
Are you trying to copy over the history? You’d need to re-create those deployments and work queues, but you can prepare a script that does that. Some things like storage require interactivity when being created which makes things hard. We will have non-interactive interfaces for that kind of stuff
As the making of multiple workspaces is not available yet, its hard to point a finger on what I would like, but basically anything that is minimal fuss moving from a test to a prod workspace without having to write new code was what I thought. So you are saying that on the cli, we switch the workspace, and then redeploy and it will be created? Would it be possible to elaborate what you mean by the interactivity when it comes to storage? For example, at the moment I have a local storage to store my flows - this would have to be remade in the new workspace as well?
When you do
prefect storage create
, it asks for options and you have to type things out. We’ll provide a path that you can just specify in one command. If you want to deploy from test to prod, I think you really need to redeploy yes. Settings will make it easier because you can configure multiple profiles. Yes you will need to recreate the storage from test to prod, especially because storage typically changes to have environment isolation.
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So it could be something like: • write flow • deploy to staging • change profile • deploy to prod
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Hmm ok I see. Thank you for the clarification. From what i sounds, it seems a couple of command lines is what is necessary