Hi all, I have having an issue with our logging im...
# prefect-server
Hi all, I have having an issue with our logging implementation changes are not holding when registered to and running in Prefect Cloud. Essentially, the custom log handler (which is just opentelemetry-sdk) enforces a new
function to modify the names of
for our purposes which is then added to the root Prefect logger. This function call occurs in a Task class I created which is set as an
When this is run locally, all log records have the corrected attribute names. When run in Cloud, only the task run to initialize the log handler enforces the changes. Given that all tasks should inherent from the root logger, why are the changes not being implemented across the tasks/flow? Further info: we are using KubernetesRun with Docker flow storage. Also the changes hold when the implementation is run locally.
So the logger is part of
and modifications to the
only live inside that task. So for example if you do:
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def abc():
    prefect.context.x =3
    return ..
This x does not exist in downstream tasks. Instead, the better attempt here would be to attach it outside of the tasks and Flow if possible
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logger = prefect.context.get("logger")

def abc():
and then used script based storage so that it’s not serialized and it’s run during script start. Still unsure if this will work. Were you the one who asked about the
before as well? I think those are hardcoded
Yes I am the one that asked about
before. I'm basically aliasing those values which does work. I'm curious though why this wouldn't work to access the root Prefect logger for changes?
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# Set up custom logger LogRecord Factory

        # Attach OTLP handler to root Prefect logger
        logger = get_logger()
        <http://logger.info|logger.info>("OTEL Log Handler is set up!")
function should supply the root logger which is the context logger as well
Also I attempted using
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logger = prefect.context.get("logger")
before and that did not seem to work.
Also I could discuss with our team if script based storage is an option, but we are using Docker storage now and I think that figuring out the path of the flow once constructed might be fairly tricky
I will need to ask some people to get more detailed answers. I don’t know this much detail about the logger myself. The attempt with
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logger = prefect.context.get("logger")
was that inside or outside a task?
Likely within a task if I remember correctly which I learned would only affect that task context. That's why I started using
from the utility module instead. I think I should also clarify that the log handler I add to the prefect logger IS attaching. The issue I'm encountering is that the
function to modify the names of
is somehow not holding. I find that curious because all tasks should be calling
which should yield a child logger from root. So it seems to me that the original
is being applied to those child loggers. Not sure why that is if the root logger has been changed
I figured out an alternative solution. On the handler I add to the root Prefect logger, I added a filter that changes the context values added to the log records. A simple enough work around. However I do think that some additional features to customize logging within Prefect would be ideal. Or for that matter, OpenTelemetry should be packaged into Prefect in the future. It's becoming an industry standard across so many platforms.
Looks like we don’t have an existing issue to track OpenTelemetry. Would you be willing to write one in the repo? I can then direct future users to chime in there as well.