Hi, We are starting our Data Workflows Journey and...
# prefect-community
Hi, We are starting our Data Workflows Journey and I am POC’ing various Options with Dagster and Prefect We have stable infrastructure with following support 1. Kubernetes 1.18 on AWS 2. Harbor Registry for Docker Images and Helm Charts 3. AWS S3 Storage 4. New Relic for Observability. 5. Jenkins as CI/CD Pipelines, all wired to deploy Docker and Helm charts I am comfortable building/deploying it via Helm and pushing user code via docker images I wanted to see how i can put up POC for Prefect 2.0 and what would be the best place to quick start on it.
Hi @Binoy Shah, welcome to Prefect! Great to have you with us. The easiest way to do a PoC with Prefect 2.0 prefect2 would be by signing up for Cloud 2.0 cloud2 account, installing Prefect, authenticating via an API key created via Cloud UI and running a couple of flows. This page will link you to the right resources
Thanks @Anna Geller, unfortunately we have lot of restrictions on cloud products usage and its puts us in a higher level of scrutiny, so I was looking for more of a leads on putting / deploying prefect server 2.0 in Kubernetes environment
check this then, there is one command there that will help you spin up all resources https://orion-docs.prefect.io/tutorials/kubernetes-flow-runner/
Oh cool.. Thanks for the lead, I had already started reading up another thread https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CL09KU1K7/p1651454399160639?thread_ts=1651441926.339899&cid=CL09KU1K7
but this is going to be helpful
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