The <Automations page> states that you can set the...
# prefect-community
The Automations page states that you can set the subject on an EmailNotificationAction. I can't see a way to do this in the UI, am I missing something or is the documentation incorrect?
You can do it through GraphQL, I think the UI is just missing it. Here's a GraphQL example for reference: mutation { update_action( input: {action_id: "5274761b-fd26-45d2-950f-21bb48e1212x", config: {email_notification: {to_emails: [""], subject: "Prefect flow {flow_name} failed"}}} ) { success } }
thanks, let's open an issue for it - could you add some screenshots and more context to the GitHub issue? @Marvin open "Can't edit subject in the Automation
through Cloud UI"
Yep, I'll get them added shortly
thanks a lot, Jessica, you can add directly to the linked issue