Hi. DaskTaskRunner is logging <dashboard url> afte...
# prefect-community
Hi. DaskTaskRunner is logging dashboard url after cluster is created. Is it possible to stream this log to the Cloud logs? Thanks.
Have you setup the task logger for the task?
I am not sure I understand your question. It is not task, it is
method which logs information about created cluster and I don't see this info log in the Cloud logs.
What is the code that starts your cluster
This is your flow / task code?
I’m trying to get at whether you have a logger a configured for the task / flow - I understand that there is logging enabled within the engine, any many of those are surfaced to the agent, but not to the cloud without a task / flow logger.
This came up previously, and I believe the same question was asked to the same results - are you logging in the task / flow itself with a logging context? If you are, and we still aren’t getting logs, I can take this feedback to the engineering team and determine if this is a bug - we do have an open issue with streaming worker logs from Dask because of how the logger is serialized. If there is not a logging context in the task / flow, then lets do that first.
It is not task / flow code. It is task runner code and as I understand it is running before flow is started.
I think the short answer discussing with the team is as I mentioned earlier - : the core problem is serialization and deserialization of logger object on the dask end causes that we lose Prefect logger configuration and the logger reinstantiates itself https://discourse.prefect.io/t/why-are-the-dask-logs-not-being-shown-in-the-prefect-ui/75 The current workaround is to use another log source like datadog or cloudwatch