Hi- could anyone point me to docs describing how t...
# prefect-community
Hi- could anyone point me to docs describing how to configure a docker agent to pull from a private registry with 1.x? I've run into issues pulling from our gitlab registry and using pre-pulled images with the gitlab registry prefix: myregistry/image_name:tag
Is your registry protected ? did u set the imagepullsecret variable on your agent ?
Nope! Could you point me to docs?
The registry is protected
This discourse article covers the basic ideas for 1.0 https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-can-i-use-a-private-package-repository-e-g-jfrog-artifactory-or-google-artifact-registry-with-prefect/291 ultimately prefect should be able to use any registry provided where ever your executing the flow from is properly authenticated
Shouldn't it work if I've already pulled it locally?
not necessarily, it depends on where the flow is executing and whether or not the execution environment is properly authenticated
Hmmm the link you sent is about package repositories instead of container registries @Mason Menges
Ultimately though as long as you're execution environment has access to the registry prefect should be able to use the image. The exact steps around that can vary based on the registry in terms of authentication but once authenticated you just need to start up the agent and then it should be able to pull the image you have specified in the run config.