Hello, just this afternoon I’ve started getting a ...
# prefect-community
Hello, just this afternoon I’ve started getting a 500 when trying to apply a deployment to my workspace (same deployment worked fine earlier) today)/ I can see there’s been quite a few changes around deployments causing issues with the 2.4.x releases, but is there any way to tell why it’s rejecting it? Output is just a generic 500 error.
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The same deployment gives a 500 when trying to delete it
Are you still seeing this behavior?
Thank you. We are seeing an issue with deleting some flows, but applying deployments shouldn’t be having issues. Is the 500 just when trying to delete the flow?
I’m seeing 500's trying to delete flow runs, update a deployment, or delete a deployment. Issues look to be related just to the one deployment, but my testing hasn’t been exhaustive. I just know that I’ve been able to do all of the above for a different deployment.
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These should be resolved now. 🙂
Just gave deploying a try and it worked 🙂
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