Hi There I'm having undeletable flow run <https:/...
# prefect-community
Hi There I'm having undeletable flow run https://app.prefect.cloud/account/a5aa4a76-f2a5-4e07-bb53-f0e7ff684f5b/workspace/f480[…]6-85a65419eb76/flow-run/82337252-1919-4165-b79a-717f313c4b24 is there anything to do? server is always replying with 500
What occurs when you try to delete the flow run via the UI? Can you screenshot what pops up?
@Serina I've been getting 500 errors now I'm getting 403 Forbidden
Let me investigate this further
What is the state of the flow?
Can you do a hard refresh and see if it’s still there?
@Serina Flow is killed but stuck as running. Hard refresh didn't do much
Hi @Ahmed Ezzat, the engineering team is aware of this issue and is actively monitoring the db to determine the root cause. We will follow up with details as soon as we know more. Thanks for your patience!
@Serina I'm back to getting 500 errors
Hi @Ahmed Ezzat, I believe the issue was resolved last night. If you see the issue again, could you send the HAR logs?
Hi @Serina This has been fixed, is there any plans to migrate the fix to the public version of prefect?
Hi @Ahmed Ezzat, if you are referencing the fix from last Thursday evening, then any 500 errors when creating deployments/deleting flow runs should be resolved. If that isn’t the case for you, please reach out again to us!
It's fixed, i'm just asking if the fix will be publicly known for self hosted prefect deployment
If you’re referring to local instances of Orion, those shouldn’t be affected as it was a Cloud UI-related issue.