I created an API key in Prefect Cloud, and then I ...
# prefect-community
I created an API key in Prefect Cloud, and then I tried logging to the cloud account using the following command, and I get this error: (venv) D:\final>prefect cloud login --key <key-value> Unable to authenticate with Prefect Cloud. Please ensure your credentials are correct. Apart from configuring the API Key in the cloud, do I need to do anything else (in Cloud, or in the client machine) ? Thanks.
Some ideas: • Make sure your API key is for the Prefect Cloud associated with 2.0. app.prefect.io • Make sure the API key is not expired. • This may be obvious, or maybe not, make sure you are typing `prefect cloud login --key your-full-api-key-here you should shave the code snippets to copy paste after making the API key in the ui