Dear Prefect devs, I've noticed that there's inter...
# prefect-community
Dear Prefect devs, I've noticed that there's internal work in progress on supporting custom cache storage (, are there any early versions available for public to try out?
Hi! We are actively working on the target/results solution I referred to in that issue but it’s not quite ready to try out altogether yet; we are hooking up the pipeline logic this week and the target semantics on the task decorator follows along right after that (so probably in the next 1.5-2 weeks everything should be hooked up enough in a branch you can try out). We think that this solution may solve a lot of problems for cache users, but definitely would like your input on that issue if you don’t think so (and/or you kicking the results/target solution around for us with your use case when we have a branch ready. I can ping you directly when it’s up!)
Thanks Laura, please ping me once the first version of persistent caching is available.
Will do! 👍
Hi @Armin, circling back on this finally! We are writing up docs the rest of this week in anticipation to release it next Tuesday, but in the meantime if you want to see or kick around the changes they should be in master this afternoon and are in our release/0.11.0 branch here: Ahead of our migration docs, this test shows best how to configure it: