Hi. I'm trying to create a custom docker image for...
# prefect-community
Hi. I'm trying to create a custom docker image for my prefect flows, using prefect.environments.storage.Docker. The build (and register) works, but the container dies right after start when run by the prefect docker agent. The image is based on ubuntu 18.04 and I want to use anaconda within the container.
Hi @Emmanuel Klinger, would you mind providing a minimum reproducible example for us?
Hi. I'd love to do that. So far the best way for me to reproduce it is to use the minicond3 base image and then do a "conda update env" from an environment.yml file.
this seems to break things, doing conda install XXX YYY seems to work however
I'm now inclined to think that the problem resides on the anaconda side, not on the prefect side of things. The workaround for me so far was to use "conda install ... "instead of environment.yml
Hm ok, if you come to find something different let us know and we'll open a ticket to investigate. Thanks @Emmanuel Klinger!