Hello guys, I'm trying to move to Prefect from air...
# prefect-community
Hello guys, I'm trying to move to Prefect from airflow and was wondering if there was anything like Airflow's subdagoperator in Prefect?
Hey there @Qwame, check out Prefect's FlowRunTask - in addition to all the other great stuff in the Task Library.
Awesome. Thanks @Kyle Moon-Wright, I'll look at that.
Just curious if I can use it as a task in a pipeline and if there are some examples you can point me to. The docs doesn't have an example like that.
Yeah, I'll try to find an example for you and yes it'll come through as a task.
👍 1
Looks like the best examples are coming from the community, I'd recommend these threads in addition to searching through #prefect-community threads on different ways to approach FlowRunTask depending on your use case: examples with discussions like this one and this one.