I'm running a flow via Fargate agent and all of a ...
# prefect-community
I'm running a flow via Fargate agent and all of a sudden getting this message in the Fargate logs
[2020-08-25 15:34:14] DEBUG - prefect.CloudFlowRunner | Flow 'Fetch-Authors': start_time has not been reached; ending run.
. The flow is
Submitted for execution
but fargate basically shuts down and stops the task. Any idea why this could happen? I ran this flow lot of times before, never experienced this.
Hi @Lukas - thanks for the question! I'm going to check with the team on this one.
👍 1
Hi @Lukas - This is usually caused by a mismatch between the agent and the fargate task it creates. Looks like the task has a clock that is running a little slow.
Hi @Jenny, thanks for the quick answer! Do you have any advice what I can do about it? Right now I try it over and over and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't (most of the time it doesn't) 😕
Can you confirm that the clock on the machine that your agent is running on is accurate? e.g., if you run 
 from the terminal or 
import pendulum; pendulum.now("utc")
 and compare that against the scheduled timestamps for your flow runs?
I wish I could, but I cannot confirm that the time is accurate 😄 Thanks a lot, I'll look into that one!
👍 1