Hi all, I'm having an issue with a task that has a...
# prefect-community
Hi all, I'm having an issue with a task that has a manual_only trigger, when I resume said task it only resumes after ~10 mins when the Lazurus process picks it up. I would have expected it starts straight away. It works fine if I run the flow on my local machine however if I run it in the cloud then it becomes an issue. I've tried adding a LocalResult to my flow but this hasn't worked, here is a pastebin with a very simple flow so hopefully you can reproduce the issue: https://dpaste.com/9DRBEHZXK
Hi @William Smith I am unable to reproduce your issue using the snippet provided šŸ¤” after clicking resume the task is picked back up and run for me
Let me ping someone on the team to see if anyone has encountered this behavior
Hmm, how odd, yeah I'm seeing this behaviour consistently
Here are the logs if it helps at all
you can see when I click approve at 011511 UTC
then it was rescheduled by Lazarus 10 mins later
Thanks for posting the logs Iā€™m going to elevate this to the team šŸ‘
Great, thanks
Hi @William Smith - Thanks for raising this. It comes from flow concurrency limits in the Developer tier but is not intended behavior. The fix is a reasonably complex but we're going to prioritize it. For now, that roughly ten minute delay to resume a paused task is expected.
Ah OK, well at least it can be reproduced. Will look out for the fix. Thanks
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