Is there any way to setup an account wide flow err...
# prefect-community
Is there any way to setup an account wide flow error alerting in Prefect Cloud? I know this can be done by flow but it's a bit involved to do this for every flow.
Hi @Jacob Blanco - you can use the create_cloud_hook mutation in the Interactive API and leave out the version group id. This will set a cloud hook for all your flows.
mutation { create_cloud_hook( input: { type: EMAIL, name: "Example", states: ["Running"], config: "{\"to\": \"\"}"} ) { id } }
Sorry I'm on mobile so it's not so well formatted.
This is so awesome thank you!
👍 1
Implemented this a few days ago. It works really well!
👍 1
Great! Thanks for coming back to let us know!