Hi Prefect experts, I am wondering what is the web...
# prefect-community
Hi Prefect experts, I am wondering what is the web server that manages the prefect UI. I do not see that is being part of prefect core server architecture unless the web server is incorporated as one of the component like Apollo etc.
Hi @liren zhang - the Prefect UI is spun up as a separate container alongside the other services (like Apollo) with static files served by nginx, is that what you meant?
Search up nginx and saw it was a web server. So I think you have answered my initial question. so I am assuming prefect UI starts up a nginx docker container. Are there any more details how Nginx is being used by prefect UI?
I'd encourage you to take a look at the UI repo for more information on that. You can find the
file here, the script that starts the server here, and the dockerfile here.
Thanks very much for the info