Prefect Team! A couple of time now I get disconnec...
# prefect-community
Prefect Team! A couple of time now I get disconnected from Prefect Cloud and sent back to login where I Select Google SignIn. A) The first time I land on some Okta page (See Screenshot) B) Then I have to click on the “Prefect” “Work” node. C) Back
D) Click on Google Again. E) Now I have Google’s prompt to select which account to use (Personal, Work, etc.) F) Then I’m logged in. Any idea? Can this be related to ?
That does not feel right to me 😛
Hi @Raphaël Riel - I think you're right, this doesn't seem correct. When you say you get disconnected, can you clarify there? Do you mean you get logged out?
Yup, I go back to my Previously logged-in Prefect’s Tab and It’s the Login screen. I don’t Manually Logout, I kinda get kicked out. The tab was used max 2h ago.
Hm interesting. Are you logged in right now?
I got the same issue today
Now yes, but had to go through the said process via Okta.
Freshly logged in as of writing this msg.
Cool, if you could do a hard refresh in Cloud that'd be helpful ( you can hard refresh by pressing Shift+Refresh)
I'm not sure that'll fix it but this is something I'm actively looking into
I've been getting logged out every hour or so all day as well
i cleared my cookies -- that seemed to help
It looks like we're not refreshing our tokens quite aggressively enough; we've recently made a move to further improve security on Cloud and may have gone a little overboard! We should have some updates to this over the next couple of days
(if not later this evening)
Thanks all of you for your patience!
@nicholas Got disconnected this morning (after the week-end, may be legit disconnect). I haven’t tried the Cookir-Clear thing yet. But the Login loop was even weirder than the previous one. See attached Capture.
Hm interesting @Raphaël Riel - do you know about what time this morning that was?
5mins ago.
But haven’t refreshed since friday afternoon.
Prefect being part of my Daily tools, I keep a tab always open.
Great let me look at the logs to see what's up. I wouldn't expect that error page on login with Google
Following up on this - I've found the source of your issue @Raphaël Riel; it looks like you were successfully authenticated but there was a problem with the redirect. I've opened an internal ticket to get that sorted and expect to have it closed before the end of the week. If you run into that issue again you should be able to visit as a workaround (that'll ensure you're redirected properly)
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Hi Nicholas! Now I do get redirected to a blank 404 page 😛
Oh, not blank, but unresponsive 404 page.
A CPU and RAM Hungry 404 page 😂
Looks like Chrome is not even able to check what’s the Tab’s RAM usage properly.
Hi @Raphaël Riel - that's a separate issue we're tracking that we're hoping to resolve very soon!
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