I want to deploy prefect UI and Backend on azure a...
# prefect-community
I want to deploy prefect UI and Backend on azure app service using docker and docker compose. is it possible? If yes, can someone guide me how I'll be able to deploy ? I'm totally new on prefect. Thanks,
I have searched a lot but couldn't find any help out there related to deployment on azure.
Hi @rafaqat ali - I'm not too familiar with azure app service but we do tasks to help with deploying on Azure: https://docs.prefect.io/api/latest/tasks/azure.html#blobstoragedownload Also, may not be exactly what hat you are looking for but one of our users just shared their experience of working with Prefect and Azure (though Azure DevOps...): https://infinitelambda.com/post/prefect-workflow-automation-azure-devops-aks/
Thanks for your help, but the first link is related to blob storage and it has nothing to do with deployment. In the second link, it's using Kubernetes but I want to deploy prefect using docker-compose on azure app service
Ok. I'm not sure I've anything else to help you with. Let's see if others have any advice. And if you do figure it out, please come back and share to help others!
@Jenny Thanks for your help. Sure, I will post my content once get any luck. Right now, I'm still suffering for deployment on azure app service