Hi :slightly_smiling_face: I missclicked in the UI...
# prefect-community
Hi šŸ™‚ I missclicked in the UI and canceled a scheduled flow, is it possible to "uncancel" it ?
I tried to set the state of the flow to "Scheduled" but when I do that, the flow starts running (it should wait for the sheduled date)
I think you can do that directly from the UI, provided that you configured Results/checkpoint on your flow (it's usually configured for you by default) and that the same agent is running
all I did was to click "Restart" - no manual setting states
The flow is scheduled for tomorrow 5am, I canceled it (by mistake), and now if I click on "Restart" button, the flow starts šŸ˜•
When I check the timeline I have : ā€¢ Canceled at 1pm ā€¢ Scheduled at 2.28pm (When I tried to restart) ā€¢ Submitted at 2.28pm ā€¢ ... ā€¢ Scheduled at 5am
I see - maybe you can then cancel this run and force-reregister the flow? This would cancel all scheduled runs and create new runs for the "new" flow version incl the run that will be scheduled for tomorrow 5am from CLI you can att -f to force reregistration:
Copy code
prefect register --project xxx -p yourflow.py -f
Ok, this is what I though, but I hoped that an easier solution existed
šŸ‘ 1
Thx šŸ™‚
I honestly think that a single CLI command is the easiest you can get šŸ˜„ much easier than manually changing states which is more risky anyway
I think you can move it from a cancelled state to a scheduled state?
@Kevin Kho Like I said in my second message, I tried, but then the flow started instantaneously šŸ˜•
Oh my bad I missed that. Yeah I dont think we can change the start time