is there a way to manually remove an agent? we hav...
# prefect-server
is there a way to manually remove an agent? we have an agent that is old and i cant figure out where it is running and i'd like to just ban it. this is a k8s agent btw
Hi @Dana Merrick - since the agent is still polling, you won't be able to remove it (since everytime it polls again it'll re-register). You'll need to either 1) revoke the token/key it was created with to stop it from picking up any work or 2) stop the process
is there a way to get more info on it? the IP address?
Hm we don't track any identifying info about the agent except its type and config info
RIP me haha
Yeah that's a bit of a pickle you're in there, sorry >.<
salright, ty
update: i manually replaced our oldest k8s nodes and the agent went away. i think we just had a pod in there that had gone rogue. thanks for the help!
Glad you figured it out! 🤖