Hi guys, I’m planning to run Prefect Server on AKS...
# prefect-server
Hi guys, I’m planning to run Prefect Server on AKS. However, in order to execute our pipelines, the flow needs to read queries from external .sql files. What is the best way to store these sql files and how should Prefect access them? Appreciate any advice
Hi Scarlett, is it the tasks that need access to the files?
Yes, the tasks need to access the files
I wonder if the easiest way would be to stick them in a storage container, provide your jobs with credentials to access that container, then you pull the file contents down during the flow runs as a first task?
I just skimmed the Flow Storage docs and there's nothing obvious about handling side-car style files
Though the Docker Storage docs https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/recipes/configuring_storage.html do list • special configuration files As an example of why you would use it. You'd then build the files into the image alongside your flow
But if you're using another storage type and you don't want to do that, I'd use Blob Storage as a 'pre' task
So this would be part of the image that will be created in Azure Container Registry?
How are you currently registering your flows? But yes, it could be created in any Docker registry
My general recommendation is one of: • Create a dockerfile that has everything exactly how you'd like • Use
storage which clones the whole repo during flow load and pull the contents of the SQL files into constants • Store the SQL files in
or some other remote location and just pull them down explicitly in a task
@Zanie Oooh I was unaware it cloned the whole repo, that is very fancy
Yeah with
we do a single file clone but with
we clone the whole thing which let's you use SSH/deploy keys for auth which people wanted. We still clean it all up before the flow runs but we want to explore letting people side-load files. It just gets complicated if you assume they're available but your task executes on a dask cluster or something.