Hi, I’m trying to connect the Prefect Server Helm ...
# prefect-server
Hi, I’m trying to connect the Prefect Server Helm Chart to an existing postgres database. I’ve configured the username and password fields inside the values file. However my pods fail to start with this error:
Error: secret "prefect-server-postgresql" not found
. I thought this secret would be created automatically? Am I supposed to create it manually and if so how?
The comments in the yaml imply that this should be created automatically:
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This is the password for
  # `postgresqlUsername` and will be set within the secret at
  # the key `postgresql-password`
I did create something manually using
kubectl create secret generic prefect-server-postgresql --from-literal=postgresql-password=mypassword
and that got a bit further though the auth is failing (investigating why)
I think this thread may be relevant here. Have you seen it?
I saw that which inspired the above fix but IMO this really ought to be created automatically or else what purpose does the password field in the yaml even serve?
or if not the comments could be improved to make it clear what needs to be done
@Ryan Sattler did you see this answer? https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/C014Z8DPDSR/p1636481320343000?thread_ts=1636470024.336600&cid=C014Z8DPDSR perhaps just the format of the secret is wrong?
Yes Anna that’s what I did (and it worked), but if that’s what’s needed then the comments in the yaml file should make that clear instead of implying that this secret will be created automatically
👍 1
@Ryan Sattler can you confirm that this is what would you expect to see in the docs?
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# existingSecret configures which secret should be referenced
  # for access to the database. If null and `useSubChart` is
  # enabled, the secret will be generated. If using an external
  # postgres service, this value should be explicitly set to 
  # the name of a Kubernetes secret. This secret must be a 
  # key-value pair containing the key `postgresql-password`.
  # e.g.: kubectl create secret generic prefect-postgresql-pwd 
  # --from-literal='postgresql-password=YOUR_POSTGRES_PWD'
  # Helm chart value: existingSecret: prefect-postgresql-pwd
  existingSecret: null
thanks Anna, looks mostly correct except that the name of the secret must be
also I think the field
should be removed as it is not used as far as I can tell
correct, postgresqlPassword is currently commented out. Are you sure that the secret name must have the helm release name within it
? I understood as long as you reference the name, it should work?
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existingSecret: prefect-postgresql-pwd
but thanks anyway
oh true that should work
👍 1