Hello there ! I'm having trouble using `get_task_r...
# prefect-server
Hello there ! I'm having trouble using
to access data from a subflow. This example should reproduce the issue :
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from prefect import Flow, task, Parameter, unmapped
from prefect.tasks.prefect import create_flow_run, get_task_run_result

def plus_one(x: int):
    return x+1

with Flow("Child") as child_flow:
    x = Parameter("x", default=10)
    po = plus_one(x)

def get_params():
    return [{"x": i} for i in range(5)]

with Flow("Parent") as parent_flow:
    params = get_params()
    flow_run_ids = create_flow_run.map(flow_name=unmapped("Child"), parameters=params)
    results = get_task_run_result.map(flow_run_ids, unmapped("plus-one"))
When running the parent flow, I get issues that look like :
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Error during execution of task: ValueError("No task runs found while querying for task runs where {'task': {'slug': {'_eq': 'plus-one'}}, 'flow_run_id': {'_eq': '3316e187-adda-461d-814f-29a6ffc059a4'}, 'map_index': {'_eq': -1}}")
Is there something I'm missing with how slugs work ?
I think you need to add -1 to get the slug name, so it would be:
additionally, your child flow must be registered before using it in a parent flow (you probably know that)
I get the same issue with
results = get_task_run_result.map(flow_run_ids, unmapped("plus-one-1"))
unfortunately. Both flows are registered in the script, I just removed it in order to not paste too much code in here.
does it work if you don’t use mapping?
Does not seem to be working with either
when mapping is removed. Running on
if at all relevant.
Seems like the issue is with the
parameter in task declaration, this works :
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def plus_one(x: int):
    return x+1

with Flow("Child") as child_flow:
    x = Parameter("x", default=10)
    po = plus_one(x)

def get_params():
    return [{"x": i} for i in range(5)]

with Flow("Parent") as parent_flow:
    params = get_params()
    flow_run_ids = create_flow_run.map(flow_name=unmapped("Child"), parameters=params)
    results = get_task_run_result.map(flow_run_ids, unmapped("plus_one-1"))
🙌 1