Hi All, I`ve been trying since yesterday to create...
# prefect-server
Hi All, I`ve been trying since yesterday to create a prefect cloud account. I registered for an account and got the confirmation email but the confirmation url gives a 404 - page not found and trying to log in give me 'Unable to sign in'. Anyone else had problems signin in? Is there a problem with website?
Hi @Lucian Rosu - it looks like your link has expired. Could you try signing up again using this link? https://universal.prefect.io/signin/register as soon as you registered, you should get an email with a link to confirm the registration
hi @Anna Geller, thanks for the answer. I already tried that, but it says that an account with that email already exists
sorry to hear that. Could you try this? https://universal.prefect.io/signin/forgot-password
tried this about 10 mins ago, still didn`t get the password reset email
i managed to create an accoutn with a secondary email tho
🙌 1
the confirmation email for the secondary account took a bit long too (about 5 mins) but it worked
Thank you for signing up with a different account! 🙏 normally, I would direct this issue to a colleague, but due to US holidays, it would be difficult atm.
aaah, i forgot it`s a holiday these days in the us. thanks
btw one of the things that brought me to prefect were your medium blog posts 😅 i recognized your name, keep up the good work😅
thanks a lot, I appreciate it! 🙌