Hi, looking to install Prefect backend server loca...
# prefect-server
Hi, looking to install Prefect backend server locally. Is there a release for M1 chips as I am currently having some installation issues
Did you allocate enough memory to your Docker Desktop? Some people had issues with Hasura container due to not enough memory on the Docker Desktop with M1. This thread discusses it in more detail
Thank you - I just changed the Memory to 8GB however I am still getting the following error:
Copy code
graphql_1   | Could not upgrade the database!
graphql_1   | Error: HTTPConnectionPool(host='hasura', port=3000): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/query (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x400ad95710>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
Would you mind restarting your laptop and try again? Usually, Docker Desktop changes only take effect after restarting your machine
Just restarted & same issue - it just sits in an infinite loop
That’s interesting. Can you share your Prefect version? We’ve recently released a new Server version which is now using Hasura 2.0. I wonder whether this may be related to this upgrade.
could you check if using a lower Prefect version works without errors on M1?
I am currently using prefect version 0.15.12. Which version would you recommend
Exactly, this is the latest. I’m curious to see if 0.15.11 throws the same error on M1. I can’t reproduce myself
Trying this now! Thank you
It worked!
Thank you so much 🙂
👍 1
I created an issue in the Server repo https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/issues/336
🙏 3
Update from Michael: “Hasura 2.x is not compatible with M1 yet and the container will fail. Using 
prefect server config
 then modifying the Hasura image to 
 is the recommended workaround until they publish 2.1.0 and we can update the default.”
👍 1